Position: PhD Candidate
Current Institution: University of Michigan
Abstract: High-Data-Rate and Energy-Efficient Wireless Transmitters for Beyond 5G Communication Networks
With the rapid evolution of emerging applications such as 3D-multimedia artificial intelligence Internet of Everything virtual reality and autonomous vehicles we are heading toward a smart life. These applications require a massive volume of data transfer for which high speed reliable and secure wireless connectivity is demanded. Although established in certain areas in the world the fifth-generation (5G) wireless networks will not have the capability to serve a fully intelligent and automated network. To overcome the constraints of the 5G sixth-generation (6G) is predicted to be established by 2030. The key factor in the generation of communication systems is carrier frequency on which the data is modulated and wirelessly transferred. Indeed by moving from an existing generation to the next generation the carrier frequency is increased by which a larger bandwidth for high-speed data transmission with intrinsically lower interference and higher security is available. While moving to the higher frequency is appealing there are several challenges among which the reduced capability of transistors to generate sufficient signal power for the carrier and increased energy consumption are the most difficult ones to deal with. In this regard fully integrated energy-efficient wireless transmitters with a very high carrier frequency (220 GHz) were successfully developed in silicon-germanium technology. Employment of several advanced and novel techniques made an ultra-high-speed data rate (20 Gbps) with stunning energy efficiency feasible. This makes our prototypes a viable solution for beyond 5G communication networks.
Bahareh Hadidian received her M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from The University of Michigan Ann Arbor MI USA in 2020 where she is currently pursuing her Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. She is a Graduate Student Research Assistant with the Division of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Michigan. Her research interests include circuit design for RF mm-wave and optical communication and sensing. She is currently working on the development of high-data-rate and energy-efficient wireless transmitters for beyond 5G communication networks.